Why I ride.

My last three rides have all been great rides. One was wet and cold. I was miserable the entire ride. It was great because I was riding to see my girl Fred. My next to rides were the perfect examples off why I love to ride my bike. After a fantastic afternoon at the laundry mat and breakfast together with Kathy the next morning it was time to ride. The day started brisk,quickly warming into the 60's. Shortly after starting the road turned to dirt. After yesterday's rain the surface had a nice green sheen. Slicker then a witches t&# in June. Up the road aways after the surface had changed to broken black top and a quick descent. The first cover bridge of the day. My route followed the Connecticut River Valley north on state and local roads through some of the most beautiful countryside that I have seen. Maybe it's bias but New England is special. I had to climb for a considerable distance. I enjoyed it all. At low speed so much more is experienced. The reward for a...