It is time to wander
It is to wander.
The stars have aligned, and time is allowing me to fulfill a long time quest. Anyone that knows me knows that bicycles have always been a very important part of my life. One of my mottos is " Long live long rides". I am off on the longest ride of my life.
Astoria, Oregon to Bar Harbour, Maine are going to be the starting and ending points of this cross country bike tour. I will be following routes printed by The Adventure Cycling Association. The ride follows the Trans America Bicycle Trail from Oregon to Idaho,Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and into Kentucky. In Kentucky I plan on following The Underground Railroad Historic Bicycle Trail north through Ohio to Pennslyvania near Lake Erie to join the Northern Tier Bicycle Trail and ride across New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and on to Maine.
Follow me here as I wander across this great country of ours.
I am also on Facebook @ Robert Winot and Instagram @robertwinot
The stars have aligned, and time is allowing me to fulfill a long time quest. Anyone that knows me knows that bicycles have always been a very important part of my life. One of my mottos is " Long live long rides". I am off on the longest ride of my life.
Astoria, Oregon to Bar Harbour, Maine are going to be the starting and ending points of this cross country bike tour. I will be following routes printed by The Adventure Cycling Association. The ride follows the Trans America Bicycle Trail from Oregon to Idaho,Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and into Kentucky. In Kentucky I plan on following The Underground Railroad Historic Bicycle Trail north through Ohio to Pennslyvania near Lake Erie to join the Northern Tier Bicycle Trail and ride across New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and on to Maine.
Follow me here as I wander across this great country of ours.
I am also on Facebook @ Robert Winot and Instagram @robertwinot